Image by UN Women/Christopher Herwig
  • Report
  • 19 March 2020

Gender-based violence and the nexus: global lessons from the Syria crisis response for financing, policy and practice: Appendix 4

Appendix 4: Individuals consulted


Individuals consulted

Name Organisation Geographical responsibility
Ghida Anani ABAAD Lebanon
Joanna Atlin Villa EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis Regional
Livia Das Neves UNHCR Iraq
Heather Patterson Canadian government Regional
Ruben Nijs UNHCR Iraq
Rita-Flora Kevorkian UNHCR Lebanon
Victoria Sukhanova UNHCR Lebanon
Helen Stawski International Rescue Committee Global
Tayba Sharif UNHCR Jordan
Amani Saleh OCHA Jordan
Nada Nader EuroMed Feminist Initiative Regional
Sunita Joergensen UNICEF Regional
Pamela De Camillo UNFPA Jordan
Lionel Laforgue UNFPA Iraq
Ai Li Lim Danish Refugee Council Regional
Fulvia Boniardi UNFPA Syria
Gisela Duetting UN Women Global
Rola al-Masri Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Regional