Expert opinion, insight and comment on today’s most pertinent issues relating to sustainable development and ending poverty
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Latest blog posts
Blended finance and ODA: the best use of a limited resource?
ODA to blended finance is increasing, but does this use of a scarce resource deliver impact for the poorest people and places?
Key trends in aid targeting persons with intellectual disabilities
DI’s Dean Breed outlines three key trends in how ODA is targeting persons with intellectual disabilities – considering what this means for recipients and what donors can do to improve the lives of persons with intellectual disabilities.
How to track ODA to gender-based violence (GBV) responses
Amanda Thomas and Carina Chicet outline how we can use a keyword methodology to track ODA to gender-based violence (GBV) responses, and ensure more transparent reporting.
Why we need Global Public Investment after Covid-19
Simon Reid-Henry argues that the Covid-19 response has highlighted the international need for an ongoing pool of public money and explains how Global Public Investment (GPI) would work.
Tracking funding to the Covid-19 response: Improving multilateral targeting
Part two of a blog from the Centre for Disaster Protection looking at tracking global humanitarian and development flows to the Covid-19 response, and if these are meeting crisis needs.
Tracking funding to the Covid-19 response: Multilateral commitments and disbursements
Part one of a blog from the Centre for Disaster Protection looking at tracking global humanitarian and development flows to the Covid-19 response, and if these are meeting crisis needs.
How Covid-19 can change incentives for development cooperation
Nilima Gulrajani examines the evolving moral and conceptual case for 'aid' in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and considers how Global Public Investment (GPI) could embed a more reciprocal approach to development cooperation.
Looking at the coronavirus crisis through the nexus lens – what needs to be done
Sarah Dalrymple puts forward actions that humanitarian, development and peace actors can take to apply the nexus approach to the devastating COVID-19 pandemic and thereby help mitigate its impact
Lessons from coronavirus for the future of ‘aid’
How a coordinated and well-funded global response is needed to combat health crises.