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Latest blog posts
Should lending special drawing rights (SDRs) count as aid?
Rechanneling special drawing rights to low- and middle-income countries is an elegant solution to address global problems. Using them as an excuse to cut aid elsewhere is self-defeating.
What happened to aid for governance and civic space during Covid-19?
TAI and DI use recent OECD data to assess whether aid donors prioritised good governance and civil society in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic
Climate finance to Africa: What we know about ODA
This blog explores how better climate finance to countries experiencing protracted crisis can contribute towards our global future.
Why we should target country-programmable aid instead of ODA
A fixed target for both stable and volatile aid spending makes little sense. This blog suggests focusing on an alternative measure: country-programmable aid.
What can we expect from UK aid for global nutrition?
In light of recent reductions to the UK aid budget, we look at reasons to remain hopeful about the UK's continued role in tackling global malnutrition.
Latest aid data: large increase in multilateral loans to poorest countries
DI’s Rob Tew and Tim Molyneux consider what partial data released by the OECD can tell us about recent trends in disbursements of official development assistance, and what this may mean for the future.
Proportion of UK aid spent in developing countries set to shrink further
Proposed ODA allocations outlined by the UK government at the recent budget mean the proportion of aid going to the countries that need it most will shrink even further. DI’s Rob Tew looks at what exactly the announced changes will mean in terms of actual resources transferred.
The latest data on the UK FCDO’s nutrition spending is out. What does it tell us?
We take a look at what the latest data tells us about the UK FCDO’s nutrition spending, and how the UK government is performing against its Nutrition For Growth commitments.
Covid-19 and targeting ODA to poverty
Can Covid-19 be a call to improve ODA targeting towards people in greatest poverty?